Senin, 26 Juli 2010

Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, was born in Mecca in approximately 570 CE. His father Abd Allah died before he was born and his mother Amina died during his early childhood, leaving the young boy an orphan to be cared for by relatives. In his twenties, he married Khadija, a wealthy widow, with whom he had several children. He worked in his wife's business and lived an unremarkable life until the age of forty. Unlike other Meccans, Muhammad like to spend time apart for reflection and meditation, often in a cave outside Mecca. Muslim traditions holds that during one of these retreas he experinced his first 'revelation' from God, in approximately 610 CE.

Selasa, 20 Juli 2010

Al Quran

What is Al Quran?
As you know that Al Quran is Holybook's Islam. AlQuran the originality has Arabic languageand it hs no other version. If you hear and see Al Quran till now still similar like it was 1400 years ago. Never been changed and preserved by Allah SWT.

Al Quran literally means the recitation. Muslim believe the Quran to be the verbal look of divine guidance and direction for mankind. Islam holds that Quran was repeatedly revealed from Allah SWT to Muhammad orally through the angel Jibril over a period of approxiamitely twenty-three years, beginning in 610 CE, when he was forty, and concluding in 632 CE, the year of his death. Followers of Islam further believe that the Qur’an was memorized, recited and written down by Muhammad's companios after every revelation dictated by Muhammad. Most of Muhammad's companions, tens of thousands, learned the Qur’an by heart, repeatedly recited in front of Muhammad for his approval or the approval of other Sahaba Muhammad approved and also compiled it in written form while he was alive. Muslim tradition agrees that although the Qur’an was authentically memorized completely by tens of thousands verbally, the Qur’an was still established textually into a single book form shortly after Muhammad's death by order of the first Abu Bakar suggested by his future successor Umar.

The Quran has many other name. Among those found in the text itself are Al Furqon, Al Huda and Al Hikamh. Another termi is Al Kitab, tough it it is also used in the Arabic language for other scriptures, such as the Torah and the Gospels. The term mus'af is often used to refer to particular Quranic manuscripts but is also used in the Qur'an to identify earlier revealed books.

Al Quran has 114 surahs, 30 chapters and 6000 verses. Verses in Al Quran were revealed in Mecca and Madina. Verses revealed in Mecca mostly on belief and verses revealed in Madina on Syari'ah. That's why Al Quran being Islam holybook because in Al Quran has a content about Syariah and how to belief to Allah SWT, being revealed for all human being, and cover for all aspects in Muslim life.

Any comments?? :)

Senin, 19 Juli 2010

The Prophets and Holybooks


What is Prophet? Prophet in Islam is Messenger. Allah send a prophet in every nations. Prophet received revelation from himself, while messenger for himself and his community. There are about 124.000 prophets and 25 of them are messengers (5 of them is ulul azmi). There is no female prophet.

In Islam altough has a lot of prophets but only one as a Muslim should believe, the name is Muhammad Prophet. As you know prophets is common human being, Muhammad too. As the last prophet in Islam but Muhammad is the one to make all other prophets mission is perfect.


-Shuhuf (Ibrahim/Abraham) 2000 SM
-Taurat (Musa/Moses) 1200 SM
-Zabur ( Daud/David) 1000 SM
-Injil (Isa/Yesus) 4M-30M
-Al Quran (Muhammad) 570-632 M

Each holbooks has similarities about divined religions, Revealed in Semitic languages, Oneness of God, Hav the same historical traditions, and the last is Have many similar techniques.

On Islam, Al Quran has characteristic Al Quran is revealed for all human beings, covers on all aspects and Allah will preserve the originality of Al Quran. The Qur'an is roughly the length of the Christian New Testament. It is divided into 114 chapters (sura) of varying length. The first chapter, known as 'The Opening' (al-Fatiha), is very short. It resembles a prayer and comprises seven verses (aya), including the opening invocation. It is the most recited chapter from the Al Quran, as Muslim recited it several times a day as part of their ritual prayer. The second chapter, called 'The Cow' (al-Baqara), is the longest in the Al Quranand comprises 286 verses. This chapter that follow generally become shorter and shorter up to the last. 'The People' (al-Anas) which is one of the shortest in the Al Quran.


Do you know Islam?
Islam in Muslim country belief as a way of life and submission to the oneness of God. Islam as a religion is relevant to all aspect of life and society, additionally is indeed much more than a syatem of theology, it is a complete civilization.

Islam has legal sources, such as Al Quran (Holy Book's Muslims), Sunnah (Traditions), Ijma' (consensus on ulama'), Qiyas (analogy).

In Islam five pillars is important as a muslim or familiar Rukun Islam. The first pillars is says syahadat (Asyhadu anlaa ilaha illalah, wa Asyhadu anlaa Muhammad rasullulah). The second pillar is sholat five times each days. The third is fasting during Ramadhan month. The forth is doing zakat and the last is doing hajj if you can.

Islam also has six pillars of faith and familiar as Rukun Iman. The first pillar is Believe in God, second is believe in Allah's Prophet, third is believe in Allah's angels, fourth is believe in Raise day, fifth is believe in Allah's holybooks, the last is believe in Qadha and Qadar.

What process being in Muslim?
You must being Islam first has an Iman and Ihsan. Iman in here, it means is Believe that Allah is exist and Ihsan is well-atittude or reflect as good man.

Introduction Religion

-Do we need a religion? Actually we need religion because religion is a result of limitedness and curiousity and human is social creature and religion could gives peaceful sense for everyone.

Religion could cause social problem such as violence and wars. Religion legitimizes many injustice such as gender inequalities. Religion is considered as barrier to the state development.

Many experts announce their opinion about religion, such as Karl Marx (Religion is an opium of society), Sigmeund Freud (Religion is a result of product or repressive and disappointed influence of culture), F.Nietzsche (Religion is a teaching of slavers)